;; ;; fastq2fasta.cwl workflow ;; (use-modules (ccwl ccwl)) (define threads (input "threads" #:type 'int #:label "number of threads" #:default 4)) (define ref-fasta (input "ref_fasta" #:other '((secondary-files . #(".amb" ".ann" ".bwt" ".pac" ".sa"))))) (define output-sam (input "output_sam" #:type 'string #:label "sam file to output results to" #:default "out.sam")) (define fastq-forward (input "fastq_forward" #:label "input fastq file to map (single-end or forward for pair-end)")) (define fastq-reverse (input "fastq_reverse" #:type 'File? #:label "input fastq file to map (reverse for pair-end)")) (define sample-id (input "sample_id" #:type 'string)) (define fastq2fasta (workflow "fastq2fasta" (list (pipeline "normalization" (list (command "bwa_mem" (list "bwa" "mem" "-t" threads ref-fasta fastq-forward fastq-reverse)) (command "samtools_view" (list "samtools" "view" "-b" "-@" threads "-")) (command "samtools_sort" (list "samtools" "sort" "-T" "sort.tmp" "-@" threads "-")) (command "freebayes" (list "freebayes" "--ploidy" "1" "--stdin" "-f" ref-fasta)) (command "bcftools_view_exclude_ref" (list "bcftools" "view" "--no-version" "-Ou" "-e'type=ref'" "--threads" threads "-")) (command "bcftools_norm" (list "bcftools" "norm" "-Ob" "-f" ref-fasta "--threads" threads "-") #:other '((stdout . "normalized.bcf"))))) (command "bcftools_index_after_normalization" (list "bcftools" "index" (input "normalization_stdout")) #:outputs (list (output "index_after_normalization" #:binding '((glob . "$(inputs.normalization_stdout.basename)")) #:other '((secondary-files . #(".csi"))))) #:other `((hints (Initial-work-dir-requirement (listing . #("$(inputs.normalization_stdout)")))))) (command "bcftools_view_qc" (list "bcftools" "view" "-i" "'QUAL > 10 && GT=\"a\"'" "-Oz" "--threads" threads (input "index_after_normalization" #:other '((secondary-files . #(".csi"))))) #:outputs (list (output "bcftools_view_qc_output_vcf" #:type 'stdout)) #:other '((stdout . "bcftools_view_output.vcf.gz"))) (command "bcftools_index_after_qc" (list "bcftools" "index" (input "bcftools_view_qc_output_vcf")) #:outputs (list (output "index_after_qc" #:binding '((glob . "$(inputs.bcftools_view_qc_output_vcf.basename)")) #:other '((secondary-files . #(".csi"))))) #:other `((hints (Initial-work-dir-requirement (listing . #("$(inputs.bcftools_view_qc_output_vcf)")))))) (pipeline "consensus" (list (command "bcftools_consensus" (list "bcftools" "consensus" "-i" "'QUAL > 10 && GT=\"a\"'" "-Hla" "-f" ref-fasta (input "index_after_qc" #:other '((secondary-files . #(".csi")))))) (command "set_sample_id" (list "sed" "s/^>.*/>$(inputs.sample_id)/g") #:additional-inputs (list sample-id))))) (list (output "out_fasta" #:source "consensus/consensus_stdout")))) (write-cwl fastq2fasta "workflows/fastq2fasta/fastq2fasta.cwl")