We have two files in the folder *semantic_enrichment* that are used to enrich the identifier in our triples store with additional information, e.g. human readable labels and semantics (e.g. *What countries are summarizes as a continent*). This describes how to update these two files. ### semantic_enrichment/labels.ttl Static label about the ontology vocabulary terms we use. This file has to be updated manually. Use the OLS or bioportal to find more information about a used ontology term. ### semantic_enrichment/countries.ttl File containing information about the countries in our database. Additional information about countries are e.g. the label or GPS coordinates. We enricht the country identifier via wikidata. #### Update process - What countries (=wikidata identifier) do we have to enrich? This query retrieves all countries (ids) from our database that do not have a label yet: >SELECT DISTINCT ?geoLocation WHERE >{ >?fasta ?x [ ?geoLocation] . >FILTER NOT EXISTS {?geoLocation ?geoLocation_tmp_label} >} - Use the list of identifiers created with the query above as input for the update script *country_enrichment.py*. The script creates a temporary .ttl file in this folder - Merge the output of the script above manually into the file semantic_enrichment/countries.ttl (TODO: Improve script output so manual intervention no longer needed. Currently there are "double entries" for continents in the output)