import requests import csv from rdflib import Graph, Literal, RDF, URIRef import time sparqlHeaders={'User-Agent': 'genenetworkCrawler/1.0 (; genenetworkCrawler/1.0'} def callSPARQL(query): payload = {'query': query, 'format': 'json'} try: r = requests.get('', params=payload, headers=sparqlHeaders) time.sleep(1) # Slow process down, in case we did send too many processes. Sleep, then try again if 'Retry_After' in r.headers: print(r.headers) time.sleep(45) r = requests.get('', params=payload, headers=sparqlHeaders) result = r.json()['results']['bindings'] except Exception as e: print("Error during SPARQL call. We abort the process and have to investigate") print(r) print(r.content) print(r.url) raise Exception(e) return result g = Graph() query = """ construct { ?a wdt:P625 ?c. ?a rdfs:label ?label . ?a wdt:P17 ?country. ?country rdfs:label ?country_label . ?country wdt:P30 ?continent. ?continent rdfs:label ?continent_label } WHERE { BIND (XXX as ?a) . ?a wdt:P625 ?c. ?a rdfs:label ?label . ?a wdt:P17 ?country. ?country rdfs:label ?country_label . ?country wdt:P30 ?continent. ?continent rdfs:label ?continent_label FILTER (lang(?continent_label)='en') FILTER (lang(?country_label)='en') FILTER (lang(?label)='en') } """"" outputFile = 'input_location.csv' with open(outputFile, 'r') as csvfile: spamreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='|') counter=0 for row in spamreader: counter=counter+1 try: tmpquery=query.replace("XXX", "<"+row[0]+">") print(tmpquery) returnReply=callSPARQL(tmpquery) print(returnReply) for row in returnReply: print(row) sub=URIRef(row['subject']['value']) pred=URIRef(row['predicate']['value']) if row['object']['type'] == 'uri': obj = URIRef(row['object']['value']) elif row['object']['type'] == 'literal': obj= Literal(row['object']['value']) g.add(( sub, pred, obj )) except Exception as e: print(e) raise print(g.serialize(format='n3').decode("utf-8")) g.serialize(destination='enriched_ouput.txt', format='turtle')