id: placeholder host: host_id: XX1 host_species: host_sex: host_age: 20 host_age_unit: host_health_status: host_treatment: Process in which the act is intended to modify or alter host status (Compounds) host_vaccination: [vaccines1,vaccine2] additional_host_information: Optional free text field for addtional information sample: sample_id: Id of the sample as defined by the submitter collector_name: Name of the person that took the sample collecting_institution: Institute that was responsible of sampling specimen_source: [,] collection_date: "2020-01-01" collection_location: sample_storage_conditions: frozen specimen source_database_accession: [] additional_collection_information: Optional free text field for addtional information virus: virus_species: virus_strain: SARS-CoV-2/human/CHN/HS_8/2020 technology: sample_sequencing_technology: [,] sequence_assembly_method: Protocol used for assembly sequencing_coverage: [70.0, 100.0] additional_technology_information: Optional free text field for addtional information submitter: authors: [John Doe, Joe Boe, Jonny Oe] submitter_name: [John Doe] submitter_address: John Doe's adress originating_lab: John Doe kitchen lab_address: John Doe's address provider_sample_id: XXX1 submitter_sample_id: XXX2 publication: PMID00001113 submitter_orcid: [,] additional_submitter_information: Optional free text field for addtional information