#+TITLE: About/FAQ #+AUTHOR: Pjotr Prins * Table of Contents :TOC:noexport: - [[#export-data][Export data]] - [[#sparql-api][SPARQL API]] - [[#rest-api][REST API]] - [[#export-ebiena-forms][Export EBI/ENA Forms]] * Export data Apart from straight file [[http://covid19.genenetwork.org/download][downloads]] COVID-19 PubSeq allows for exporting forms and data for other services. * SPARQL API First of all, PubSeq exports a SPARQL endpoint [[http://sparql.genenetwork.org/sparql/][here]] that allows you do do any query on the data. See this [[http://covid19.genenetwork.org/blog?id=using-covid-19-pubseq-part1][document]] for examples. * REST API In addition to above flexible SPARQL endpoint - which is essentially is a query REST API - PubSeq exports its own [[http://covid19.genenetwork.org/apidoc][REST API]]. * Export EBI/ENA Forms Uploading data to EBI/ENA with PubSeq is described [[http://covid19.genenetwork.org/blog?id=using-covid-19-pubseq-part6][here]]. To export, first search for an uploaded entry through its identifier: