COVID-19 PubSeq (part 4)

Table of Contents

1 Modify Metadata

The public sequence resource uses multiple data formats listed on the download page. One of the most exciting features is the full support for RDF and semantic web/linked data ontologies. This technology allows for querying data in unprescribed ways - that is, you can formulate your own queries without dealing with a preset model of that data (so typical of CSV files and SQL tables). Examples of exploring data are listed here.

In this BLOG we are going to look at the metadata entered on the COVID-19 PubSeq website (or command line client). It is important to understand that anyone, including you, can change that information!

2 What is the schema?

The default metadata schema is listed here.

3 How is the website generated?

Using the schema we use pyshex shex expressions and schema salad to generate the input form, validate the user input and to build RDF! All from that one metadata schema.

4 Modifying the schema

One of the first things we want to do is to add a field for the data license. Initially we only supported CC-4.0 as a license, but we wanted to give uploaders the option to use an even more liberal CC0 license. The first step is to find a good ontology term for the field. Searching for `creative commons cc0 rdf' rendered this useful page. We also find an overview where CC0 is represented as URI Meanwhile the attribution license According to this document we should really also add fields for attributionName and attributionURL.

A minimal triple should be

id  xhtml:license  <> .

Other suggestions are

id  dc:title "Description" .
id  cc:attributionName "Your Name" .
id  cc:attributionURL <>

and 'dc:source' which indicates the original source of any modified work, specified as a URI. The prefix 'cc:' is an abbreviation for

Going back to the schema, where does it fit? Under host, sample, virus, technology or submitter block? It could fit under sample, but actually the license concerns the whole metadata block and sequence, so I think we can fit under its own license tag. For example

id: placeholder

    attribution_title: "Sample ID"
    attribution_name: "John doe, Joe Boe, Jonny Oe"

So, let's update the example. Notice the license info is optional - if it is missing we just assume the default CC-4.0.

One thing that is interesting is that in the name space there is no mention of a title. I think it is useful, however, because we have no such field. So, we'll add it simply as a title field. Now the draft schema is

- name: licenseSchema
  type: record
      doc: License types as refined in
      type: string?
      doc: Attribution title related to license
      type: string?
      doc: Attribution URL related to license
      type: string?
      doc: Attribution source URL
      type: string?

Now, we are no ontology experts, right? So, next we submit a patch to our source tree and ask for feedback before wiring it up in the data entry form. The pull request was submitted here and reviewed on the gitter channel and I merged it.

5 Adding fields to the form

To add the new fields to the form we have to modify it a little. If we go to the upload form we need to add the license box. The schema is loaded in in the 'generateform' function.

With this patch the website adds the license input fields on the form.

Finally, to make RDF output work we need to add expressions to bh20seq-shex.rdf. This was done with this patch. In the end we decided to use the Dublin core title,

    cc:License xsd:string;
    dc:Title xsd:string ?;
    cc:attributionName xsd:string ?;
    cc:attributionURL xsd:string ?;
    cc:attributionSource xsd:string ?;

Note that cc:AttributionSource is not really defined in the cc standard.

When pushing the license info we discovered the workflow broke because the existing data had no licensing info. So we changed the license field to be optional - a missing license assumes it is CC-BY-4.0.

6 TODO Testing the license fields

Created by Pjotr Prins (pjotr.public768 at thebird 'dot' nl) using Emacs org-mode and a healthy dose of Lisp!
Modified 2020-07-16 Thu 03:27