COVID-19 PubSeq Uploading Data (part 3)

Table of Contents

1 Uploading Data

Work in progress!

2 Introduction

The COVID-19 PubSeq allows you to upload your SARS-Cov-2 strains to a public resource for global comparisons. Compute it triggered on upload. Read the ABOUT page for more information.

3 Step 1: Sequence

We start with an assembled or mapped sequence in FASTA format. The PubSeq uploader contains a QC step which checks whether it is a likely SARS-CoV-2 sequence. While PubSeq deduplicates sequences and never overwrites metadata it probably pays to check whether your data already is in the system by querying some metadata as described in Query metadata with SPARQL.

4 Step 2: Metadata

Created by Pjotr Prins (pjotr.public768 at thebird 'dot' nl) using Emacs org-mode and a healthy dose of Lisp!
Modified 2020-05-29 Fri 10:00