#+TITLE: COVID-19 PubSeq - Arvados #+AUTHOR: Pjotr Prins # C-c C-e h h publish # C-c ! insert date (use . for active agenda, C-u C-c ! for date, C-u C-c . for time) # C-c C-t task rotate # RSS_IMAGE_URL: http://xxxx.xxxx.free.fr/rss_icon.png #+HTML_LINK_HOME: http://covid19.genenetwork.org #+HTML_HEAD: * Table of Contents :TOC:noexport: - [[#the-arvados-web-server][The Arvados Web Server]] - [[#the-arvados-file-interface][The Arvados file interface]] - [[#the-pubseq-arvados-shell][The PubSeq Arvados shell]] - [[#wiring-up-cwl][Wiring up CWL]] - [[#using-the-arvados-api][Using the Arvados API]] - [[#troubleshooting][Troubleshooting]] * The Arvados Web Server We are using Arvados to run common workflow language (CWL) pipelines. The most recent output is on display on a [[https://workbench.lugli.arvadosapi.com/collections/lugli-4zz18-z513nlpqm03hpca][web page]] (with time stamp) and a full output list is generated [[https://collections.lugli.arvadosapi.com/c=lugli-4zz18-z513nlpqm03hpca/][here]]. Arvados has a web front which allows navigation through input and output data, workflows and the output of analysis pipelines (here CWL workflows). @@html: @@ * The Arvados file interface Arvados has the web server, but it also has a REST API and associated command line tools. We are already using the [[https://github.com/arvados/bh20-seq-resource/blob/master/bh20sequploader/main.py#L27][API]] to upload data. If you follow the pip or [[../INSTALL.md]] GNU Guix instructions for installing Arvados API you'll find the following command line tools (also documented [[https://doc.arvados.org/v2.0/sdk/cli/subcommands.html][here]]): | Command | Description | |---------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | arv-ls | list files in Arvados | | arv-put | upload a file to Arvados | | arv-get | get a textual representation of Arvados objects from the command line. The output can be limited to a subset of the object’s fields. This command can be used with only the knowledge of an object’s UUID | Now, this is a public instance so we can use the tokens from the [[https://github.com/arvados/bh20-seq-resource/blob/master/bh20sequploader/main.py#L16][uploader]]. #+BEGIN_SRC sh export ARVADOS_API_HOST='lugli.arvadosapi.com' export ARVADOS_API_TOKEN='2fbebpmbo3rw3x05ueu2i6nx70zhrsb1p22ycu3ry34m4x4462' arv-ls lugli-4zz18-z513nlpqm03hpca #+END_SRC will list all files (the UUID we got from the Arvados results page). To get the UUID of the files #+BEGIN_SRC sh curl https://lugli.arvadosapi.com/arvados/v1/config | jq .Users.AnonymousUserToken env ARVADOS_API_TOKEN=5o42qdxpxp5cj15jqjf7vnxx5xduhm4ret703suuoa3ivfglfh \ arv-get lugli-4zz18-z513nlpqm03hpca #+END_SRC and fetch one listed JSON file ~chunk001_bin4000.schematic.json~ with its listed UUID: : arv-get 2be6af7b4741f2a5c5f8ff2bc6152d73+1955623+Ab9ad65d7fe958a053b3a57d545839de18290843a@5ed7f3c5 * The PubSeq Arvados shell When you login to Arvados (you can request permission from us) it is possible to upload an ssh key in your profile and get an shell prompt with : ssh pjotrpbl@shell.lugli.arvadosapi.com : Linux ip-10-255-0-202 4.19.0-9-cloud-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.19.118-2+deb10u1 (2020-06-07) x86_64 It is a small Debian VM hosted on AWS somewhere. The PubSeq material is mounted on ~/data/pubseq~. The log is in ~nohup.out~. Update/edit the code (bh20-seq-resource git checkout) and restart the service (the run script). The log says : you should have permission to read the log (nohup.out) update / edit the code (bh20-seq-resource git checkout) and restart the service (the run script) which means it will trigger the run on upload. The service is running as a Python virtualenv: : /data/pubseq/bh20-seq-resource/venv3/bin/python3 /data/pubseq/bh20-seq-resource/venv3/bin/bh20-seq-analyzer --no-start-analysis and is restarted by a ~run~ script: : /data/pubseq/run [options] The run script kills the old process, sets up the API tokens, pulls the git repo and starts a new run calling into /data/pubseq/bh20-seq-resource/venv3/bin/bh20-seq-analyzer which is essentially [[https://github.com/arvados/bh20-seq-resource/blob/2baa88b766ec540bd34b96599014dd16e393af39/bh20seqanalyzer/main.py#L354][monitoring]] for uploads. On ~run --help~ #+begin_example optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --uploader-project UPLOADER_PROJECT --pangenome-analysis-project PANGENOME_ANALYSIS_PROJECT --fastq-project FASTQ_PROJECT --validated-project VALIDATED_PROJECT --workflow-def-project WORKFLOW_DEF_PROJECT --pangenome-workflow-uuid PANGENOME_WORKFLOW_UUID --fastq-workflow-uuid FASTQ_WORKFLOW_UUID --exclude-list EXCLUDE_LIST --latest-result-collection LATEST_RESULT_COLLECTION --kickoff --no-start-analysis --once --print-status PRINT_STATUS --revalidate #+end_example * Wiring up CWL In above script ~bh20-seq-analyzer~ you can see that the [[https://www.commonwl.org/][Common Workflow Language]] (CWL) gets [[https://github.com/arvados/bh20-seq-resource/blob/2baa88b766ec540bd34b96599014dd16e393af39/bh20seqanalyzer/main.py#L233][triggered]]; for example [[https://github.com/arvados/bh20-seq-resource/tree/master/workflows/fastq2fasta][fastq2fasta]] which is part of the main repo. The actual script is in [[https://github.com/arvados/bh20-seq-resource/blob/master/workflows/fastq2fasta/fastq2fasta.cwl][fastq2fasta.cwl]] and runs the following tools in sequence: bwa-mem, samtools-view, samtools-sort, and bam2fasta. It probably pays to familiarize yourself with CWL and its concepts. We believe it has a lot going for it though CWL is some steps removed from traditional shell scripts for running work flows. Main thing to understand is that CWL is a separation of concerns, i.e., 1. Data 2. Tools 3. Flow and each of these are described separately. This contrasts largely with shell scripts (though you can invoke shell scripts from CWL). Also, CWL is written in JSON/YAML, which means everything can be parsed as a tree and you can easily get visualisations such as @@html: @@ For more see [[https://hpc.guix.info/blog/2019/01/creating-a-reproducible-workflow-with-cwl/][Creating a reproducible workflow with CWL]] by Pjotr Prins. * Using the Arvados API Arvados provides a rich API for accessing internals of the Cloud infrastructure. In above script ~bh20-seq-analyzer~ there are examples of querying the [[https://doc.arvados.org/api/index.html][Arvados API]] using the [[https://pypi.org/project/arvados-python-client/][Python Arvados client and libraries]]. For example get a list of [[https://github.com/arvados/bh20-seq-resource/blob/2baa88b766ec540bd34b96599014dd16e393af39/bh20seqanalyzer/main.py#L228][projects]] in Arvados. Main thing is to get the ~ARVADOS-API-HOST~ and ~ARVADOS-API-TOKEN~ right as is shown above. * Troubleshooting When workflows have errors we should check the logs in Arvados. Go to the [[https://workbench.lugli.arvadosapi.com/projects/lugli-j7d0g-825x3r5vcs41dus][project]] page for 'COVID-19-BH20 Shared Project' -> 'Public Sequence Resource'. Click on analysis runs https://workbench.lugli.arvadosapi.com/projects/lugli-j7d0g-y4k4uswcqi3ku56 and 'Subprojects'. Click one of the runs and then on 'Processes' and you'll see what parts failed.